Aktuelle Literatur 2/2009

(zusammengestellt von Kerstin P. Hofmann und
Sabine Reinhold, Berlin)

Forschungs-/Wissenschaftsgeschichte, Selbstverständnis und Politik

Susanne Grunwald, Rassenkundliche Kooperation. Zur Zusammenarbeit von Otto Reche und Walter Frenzel in der Oberlausitz. Ethnographisch-Archäologische Zeitschrift 49, 2008, 499-517.

Sebastian Heber, Wilhelm Unverzagt und die archäologischen Untersuchungen in Zantoch (1932–1934). Ethnographisch-Archäologische Zeitschrift 49, 2008, 309-333 .

Francesco Mannino (Ed.), Theodor Mommsen e il Lazio antico : giornata di studi in memoria dell‘illustre storico, epigrafista e giurista ; (Terracina, Sala Valadier, 3 aprile 2004) (Roma 2009).

Jean-Pierre Legendre, Archäologie und NS-Propaganda im annektierten Lothringen: das Landesdenkmalamt Metz und seine Abteilung Vor- und Frühgeschichte (1940–1944). Ethnographisch-Archäologische Zeitschrift 49, 2008, 33 5-352.

Patricia Rahimpour, „It’s like writing history with lightning.“ Die Anfänge von Antike im Film. Das Altertum 54, 2009, 53-64.

Bisserka Gaydarska, A brief history of TAG. Antiquity 83, 2009, 1152-1162.

Alice Beck Kehoe, Controversies in archaeology (Walnut Creek 2008).
Kehoe asserts that ”archaeology is a science remarkably suited to illustrating how societal biases and conventional dogmas affect interpretation, and even discovery, of empirical facts.” She then exposes how acceptance of scientific explanations about archaeological phenomena is earned within the discipline. She is interested in how unorthodox explanations for complex scientific phenomena are treated; where innovative explanations are likely to arise within the archaeological profession; and how the social construction of archaeological science directs, to some degree, its core paradigms.
Inhalt: The past is today — Scientific method — Popular archaeology — America’s first nations and archaeology — Finding diversity — Religion and archaeology — ”Diffusion” versus independent invention — What people before us could do : earlier technologies — Neandertals, farmers, warriors, and cannibals : bringing in biological data — Competing theories of cultural development.

Randall H. McGuire, Archaeology as political action. California Ser. Publ. Anthr. 17 (Berkley 2008).
Randall H. McGuire builds on the history of archaeological theory and Marxist dialectical theory to point out how archaeologists can use their craft to evaluate interpretations of the real world, construct meaningful histories for communities, and challenge the persistent legacies of colonialism and class struggle.

Ethnizität / Ethnische Deutung

Naoíse Mac Sweeney, Beyond Ethnicity : The Overlooked Diversity of Group Identities. Journal Mediterranean Arch. 22, 2009, 101-126.

Gender und Identität, Körper

Dušan Borić u. John Robb (Hrsg.), Past bodies. Body-centred research in archaeology (Oxford 2008).
This collection of papers is a reaction to decades of the body’s invisibility. It raises the body as the central topic in the study of past societies, researching its appearance in a wide variety of regional contexts and across vast spans of archaeological time. Contributions in this volume range from the deep Epi-Palaeolithic past of the Near East, through the European Neolithic and Bronze Age, Classical Greece and Late Medieval England, to pre-Columbian Central America, post-contact North America, and the most recent conflicts in the Balkans.

Michael Salewski, Revolution der Frauen : Konstrukt, Sex, Wirklichkeit (Stuttgart 2009).

Ritual & Religion

Christiana Eggl, Peter Trebsche, Ines Balzer, Janine Fries-Knoblach, Julia K. Koch, Hans Nortman u. Julian Wiethold (Hrsg.), Ritus und Religion in der Eisenzeit. Beiträge zur Sitzung der AG Eisenzeit während der Jahrestagung des Mittel- und Ostdeutschen Verbandes für Altertumsforschung e. V. in Halle an der Saale 2007 (Langenweissbach 2008).

Themenheft zu „Animism“: in: Cambridge Arch. Journal 19/3, 2009, 33 7 ff.
mit Beiträgen von Benjamin Alberti u. Tamara L. Bray, Bill Sillar, Alejandro F. Haber u. Martin Holbraad.

Eftychia Stavrianopoulou/Axel Michaels/Claus Ambos (Ed.), Transformations in sacrificial practices : from antiquity fo modern times ; proceedings of an international colloquium, Heidelberg, 12-14 July 2006 (Berlin 2008).

Mara Zatti, Raum und Ritus : zur Rekonstruktion minoischer Kultpraxis. BAR international series 1957 (Oxford 2009).


Eileen M. Murphy (Hrsg.), Deviant burial in the archaeological record. Studies in funerary archaeology 2 (Oxford 2008).
Info: This volume arose as a result of a session of the same name held at the 11th annual conference of the European Association of Archaeologists which took place in Cork, Ireland, in September 2005.


Oliver Nakoinz, Zentralortforschung und zentralörtliche Theorie. Archäologisches Korrespondenzblatt 39, 2009 (Heft 3).

Dirk Krauße/Oliver Nakoinz (Hrsg.), Kulturraum und Territorialität. Archäologische Theorien, Methoden und Fallbeispiele. Kolloquium des DFG-SPP 1171, Esslingen 17.-18. Januar 2007. Marie Leidorf : Rahden/Westf. 2009.
Inhalt: Der band umfasst mehrere Aufsätze zu den Themenkreisen Kultur und kulturhistorische Paradigmen, der Methodik zur Analyse kultureller Räume (Kulturgeographie, GIS und mathematische Modelle, Kommunikationsräume) sowie Fallbeispiele, in der es um die Interpretation und Interpretationswege archäologische Quellen hinsichtlich Territorialstrukturen geht.

Ulrich Eisel, Landschaft und Gesellschaft : räumliches Denken im Visier (Münster 2009).

Migration und Mobilität

Dieter Quast (Hrsg.), Foreigners in Early Medieval Europe: Thirteen International Studies on Early Medieval Mobility. Monographien des Römisch-Germanischen Zentralmuseums Band 78 (Mainz 2009).
Produktinfo: In this volume, thirteen studies from different European countries, ranging from Spain to Slovakia and Greece to Sweden, demonstrate diverse perspectives and varying scientific traditions of approaching a theme like »Foreigners in Early Medieval Europe«. These studies highlight different aspects of mobility and exchange, but all are based on contacts between people and groups of people. Studies of straightforward imports, art styles and the history of colonisation or simply new interpretations of »common knowledge« offer new insights.

Materielle Kultur

Philipp Stockhammer (Hrsg.), Keramik jenseits von Chronologie. Beiträge der Arbeitsgemeinschaft ‚Theorie in der Archäologie‘ bei der Tagung des West- und Süddeutschen Verbandes für Altertumsforschung e.V. in Xanten, 7.-8. Juni 2006. Internationale Archäologie, Arbeitsgemeinschaft, Symposium, Tagung, Kongress 14 (Rahden/Westf., Leidorf 2009).
Inhalt:Auf eine Einleitung [Stockhammer] und Überlegungen zu Möglichkeiten und Grenzen der Keramikinterpretation [Knopf] folgen Untersuchungen zu taphonomischen und räumlichen Analysen der Keramik aus einer bandkeramischen Fundschicht [Wolfram], zu metrologischen Eigenschaften endneolithischer Töpfe [Dzbynski], zur Drehscheibenkeramik der Černjachov-Kultur [Schultze], zur sozialen Bedeutung mykenischer Keramik [Stockhammer], zu spätbronzezeitlicher Keramik von Zug-Sumpf [Bolliger Schreyer], zu Adorantendarstellungen auf Hinkelsteiner Keramik [Jung], zu sozialen Dimensionen von Keramikherstellung [Röder], zu Keramik und Kulturadaption in der Neuen Welt [Schreg] sowie zu keramischer Produktion, interethnischen Beziehungen und sozialen Identitäten in Westafrika [Hahn].

James M. Skibo u. Michael Brian Schiffer, People and things. A behavioral approach to material culture (New York 2008).
Overview of the theory of Behavioral Archeology, updated with responses to criticism, and demonstrates its application in six diverse case studies


Themenheft zu „Archaeometry of pottery and glass“: in: Archaeologia Polona 46, 2008, 15 ff.
mit Beiträgen von Andrzej Buko „Ceramology: what it is and why?“, Louis D. Nebelsick, More than meets the eye: contributions to analytical archaeo-ceramology form Germanspeaking Europe between 1880 and 2000.


Hans Barnard and Willeke Wendrich (Hrsg.), The archaeology of mobility. Old world and new world nomadism. Cotsen Advanced Seminars 4 (Los Angeles 2008).
worldwide collection of studies of the archaeology of mobility. This book provides a ready-made reference to this worldwide phenomenon and is unique in that it tries to redefine pastoralism within a larger context by the term mobility. It presents many new ideas and thoughtful approaches, especially in the Central Asian region.


Claudia Dürwächter, Time, Space and Innovation. An Archaeological Case Study on the Romanization of the North-Western Provinces (50 BC to AD 50). BAR Internat. Ser. 2011 (Oxford 2009).
This book is concerned with social stability and change […] an attempt at truly interdisciplinary research. It tries to bridge the gap between quantitative and discursive methods as well as the boundaries of modern disciplines because it is felt that social change affects all aspects of human society and cannot be fully investigated from any one-sided perspective. Specifically, the research: 1) Finds a definition of innovation that can be applied with equal facility in different branches of the social sciences namely: archaeology, social geography, economics and policy-research; 2) Explores the process of innovation in the archaeological record of Europe especially on the Romanization of the North-Western Provinces and its attendant social changes. The application of the conceptual model of innovation to the archaeological record provides new insights into pre-historical processes as well as testing the definition’s applicability for all four scientific domains mentioned above; 3) Extends techniques from Time Geography that have been developed in an EU funded project on time geography to the study of innovation in the historical and archaeological record.

Dimitra Papagianni, Robert Layton u. Herbert Maschner (Hrsg.), Time and change . Archaeological and anthropological perspectives on the long-term in hunter-gatherer societies (Oxford 2008).
This volume explores long-term behavioural patterns and processes of change in hunter-gatherer societies from the Lower Palaeolithic to the present. All the papers are based on case-studies. They represent current research dynamics in anthropology and archaeology across the globe (North and South America, Europe and Australia), and a variety of theoretical perspectives.

Andrea Zeeb-Lanz (Hrsg.), Krisen – Kulturwandel – Kontinuitäten. Zum Ende der Bandkeramik in Mitteleuropa. Beiträge der Internationalen Tagung in Herxheim bei Landau [Pfalz] vom 14.-17. Juni 2007. Crises – cultural change – continuity (Rahden/Westf. 2009).

Quantitative Methoden

A. Stewart Fotheringham u. Peter A. Rogerson (Hrsg.), The Sage Handbook of Spatial Analysis (Los Angeles 2009).


Helen Chapman Davies, The archaeology of water (Stroud 2008).
Produktinfo: Helen Davies takes us from the first springs, through Roman baths to the mass storage and distribution of water needed to make the Industrial Revolution possible. All around us is the evidence of man’s need for water, from reservoirs to springs, public baths, water towers, watermills, the pipes under the streets, the sewage system and health problems, still plaguing much of the planet today.

Themenheft zu „Archaeology of water“: in: World Archaeology 41/1, 2009, 1 ff.


Lutz Raphael, Jenseits von Strukturwandel oder Ereignis? Neuere Sichtweisen und Schwierigkeiten der Historiker im Umgang mit Wandel und Innovation. Historische Anthropologie 17, 2009, 110-120.

Ian Hodder (Ed.), The archaeology of contextual meanings. Digitally print. version, originally published 1987 (Cambridge [u.a.] 2009).

Colin Renfrew/Chris Frith/Lambros Malafouris (Ed.), The sapient mind : archaeology meets neuroscience (Oxford 2009).

Susanne Grunwald, Julia K. Koch, Doreen Mölders, Ulrike Sommer, Sabine Wolfram, ARTeFACT. Festschrift für Sabine Rieckhoff zum 65. Geburtstag. Universitätsforschungen zur prähistorischen Archäologie 172 (Bonn 2009).